ISBA Responds to 2024 General Election Result

A picture of Westminster and the Houses of Parliament

ISBA has issued the following statement.

Phil Smith, Director General, ISBA said

ISBA congratulates the Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer MP and the Labour Party on winning the General Election. As the body that represents brand owners advertising in the UK, we look forward to working with the new Government - particularly the Department of Culture, Media and Sport – to help deliver Labour’s mission of kickstarting economic growth across all of the UK’s regions and nations. 

The UK’s system of self and co-regulation of advertising content and placement has proven to be a world-leading success story. We ask the Government to continue to support this. As a member of the Online Advertising Taskforce, we are committed to working with government on the Online Advertising Programme as it develops proposals for the future.

As new Ministers take office, we urge the Government to pass the Secondary Legislation required to finish the introduction of new food and drink advertising regulations. Advertisers are desperate for clarity and certainty on what products, categories and media are in or out of scope of the new regulations. Many brands are already having to plan ad campaigns without the finalised rules and guidance they need. Passing the necessary Secondary Regulations would be an easy, pro-business and pro-growth step for this incoming government to take.