Beyond the Climate Bubble

When it comes to marketing sustainable products, many brands currently focus their strategies on targeting the already engaged.

Those who might already have a re-usable cup, buy chemical-free cleaning products or own an electric car. But this group makes up just 14% of the population, and there’s high competition for their spend.

If you’re looking to drive business growth, it’s time to look elsewhere.

Media Bounty’s latest report, ‘Beyond the Climate Bubble’, introduces ‘The Persuadables’ - the 69% of the UK population that believe in climate change, and agree that taking action will benefit them - but are yet to switch to buying sustainable products.

These groups hold huge potential to drive brand growth, and importantly, present an opportunity for sustainable brands to take market share from their polluting competitors.

‘Beyond the Climate Bubble’ details insights research into Persuadable audiences, and presents 10 insight-led strategies for engaging them in future campaigns.

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