Brand safety

9 resources

While the activities of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media have been suspended, its work continues to benefit the safety of users and brands.

  • Platform policies for monetised content, which mapped with known exceptions to the GARM Brand Safety framework, remain unchanged. GARM's Brand Suitability Framework continues to be reflected widely in first-party controls and third party integrations for reporting, allowing advertisers to choose the risk profile that's right for their brands.
  • So that brands can better assess the user and brand safety of their investment choices, platforms have remained committed to regular transparency reporting, with increasing frequency and with growing inclusion of metrics supported by GARM.
  • To control where advertising appears, GARM's adjacency standards have been widely adopted and embedded in controls.
  • And to provide assurance, significant platforms have committed themselves to audit and accreditation of their brand safety controls.

ISBA will continue to provide actionable guidance and education on brand safety to its members and will commit itself to support the global need tor continued progress in this area.