Transform your ecommerce sales and experience with Entropy's Six-Step platform

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Expensive tech solutions are sold into the business (often via IT) and then the business wonders why there is low adoption from other departments including marketing. The result: frustration, wasted money, processes that don’t work as well as they should, and of course importantly suboptimal growth.

From our extensive experience working client-side and with clients, we’ve developed a simple 6-step process with clear actionable steps to help you avoid that.

This extract is taken from the guide, “Ecommerce Unleashed: Maximising Your Website’s Impact for Marketing Success”. Many marketers are increasingly finding eCommerce or elements of it in their remit. We’ve developed the guide to ensure that they can play their part in ensuring that the organisation sets it up to work as effectively as possible within their consumers’ journeys.

Transform Your Ecommerce Sales and Experience with Entropy's 6-Step Platform and Tech Selection Process