Advanced TV Guide - presentation
Login to downloadISBA’s TV & Video group have led the work on a new Advanced TV guide which will be published in March 2021.
Nigel Whalley from Decipher, author of the guide will give us an overview of the content, he will be joined by Karl Ward from Direct Line Group, known for its focus on effectiveness, who will share the findings from a pivotal and industry first piece of research that makes a credible case for including advanced TV on your AV plans
Television is changing. TV and the internet are moving closer together and previously separate industries are finding themselves ‘converged’. For TV, what used to be a wholly ‘broadcast’ industry is embracing new distribution formats like on-demand and streamed content. At the same time TV is adopting the data, analysis and targeting techniques of the web.
This new ISBA White Paper lays out the landscape for Advanced TV, examining the varied and sometimes conflicting capabilities of the various players in the wider TV ecosystem. Most importantly it breaks down the type of data and insight available at every stage of the Advanced TV value chain and highlights those companies who are driving change.