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ISBA Member Forum - Inclusion Network


ISBA forums provide the opportunity for members to hear from expert speakers and keep up to date on the latest developments.  Members can choose to attend specific meetings that appear on the calendar or sign up to the group to receive regular notifications.  

Inclusion Network

This forum would be of interest to members with an interest in incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion within their marketing, marketing comms and advertising.

This meeting will be chaired by Tom Chard, Tesco and will cover the following:

  • Temperature check – an opportunity to share challenges/questions/issues/wins. Bobi and Vanessa, ISBA
  • The Diversity Standards Collective will update the group following the last session on questions posed to their communities and the answers.
  • Outvertising – The why and how of LGBTQIA+ inclusion. Chris Dunne, CEO, Outvertising and Head of Marketing, Thinkbox
    Outvertising shares some of the principles and guidance from their new Advocacy Playbook, designed to give marketing practitioners the tools to advocate for – and deliver – LGBTQIA+ inclusive advertising and marketing communications.
  • Have we left men and boys behind? Lori Meakin (Author of No More Menemies and Founder of The Others & Me)
    When talking about gender, the assumption is that we are talking about women. But what about men and boys – have we inadvertently removed them from the conversation? As advertisers/brands what is the duty of care we have when portraying men and boys in advertising and marketing communications? We are delighted to welcome Lori Meakin, (Author of No More Menemies - Getting Beyond the Fears & Frustrations of the Gender Wars), to give context to this conversation.

To find out more please email – vanessav@isba.org.uk